六个单词的微小说,网上看到的,6个简单的单词,一句话,完整的故事情节,足以打动人心,让人深思。脸书地址:Six Word Stories Twitter地址:@sixwordstories 网站:Six Word Stories
Strangers. Friends. Best friends. Lovers. Strangers.
I met my soulmate.She didn’t.
Sorry soldier,shoes sold in pairs.
Birth certificate.Death certificate.One pen.
Jumped.Then I changed my mind.
Mom taught me how to shave.
Siri,delete Mom form my contacts.
Finally spoke to her.Left flowers.
We’re lying in bed.She’s lying.
Visits graveyard.Reads name:His own.
Introduced myself to mother again today.
Jumped off skyscraper,discovered couldn’t die.
Born a twin; Graduated only child.
”Wrong number,” says a familiar voice.
New start. New you. Not you.